Mary Vincent: Green Software UnConference

Mary Vincent: Green Software UnConference

Mary Vincent, a go-getting green entrepreneur let me know about a cool green event she’s co-hosting in Silicon Valley next month

The First Green Software Unconference Silicon Valleymary-vincent-on-fresh-dialogues

When: August 19, 2009

Where:  The Computer History Museum in Mountain View

Why: Be in the company of entrepreneurs, engineers, venture capitalists, marketers and business strategists, and sustainability professionals.

Sign up details: click here

As a bonus, a TREE will be planted for Early-Bird Registrants so it is important to register as soon as possible.

Sponsors: Environmental (Eco) Entrepreneurs Mary Vincent, Founder and CEO of Green Star Solution and Gratitude Gourmet and Merc Martinelli, Founder of Verdafero. Both have Fortune 500 Silicon Valley backgrounds from Sun Microsystems and Cisco respectively and Co-Founded the Green Software Unconference with the purpose of gathering technologists and businesspeople together to collaborate and innovate for the environment and business.

Mayor Chuck Reed: Green City but not Top 10

Mayor Chuck Reed: Green City but not Top 10

By Alison van Diggelen, host of Fresh DialoguesMayor Chuck Reed at SDForum Visionary Awards, Fresh Dialogues

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Our Green Mayor was in fine form at SD Forum’s Visionary Awards on June 25th. He made a convincing pitch about why innovators  and visionaries should locate in San Jose. In this photo,  he’s pointing out his Economic Development team to the high profile crowd gathered in Atherton; but I think the subliminal message is: WE NEED YOU!

Chuck’s team is working hard to encourage innnovation in San Jose, yet San Jose didn’t make the top ten Green Cities in the U.S. this year, as ranked by Mother Nature Network. Why not? Are these other cities, like Portland (#1) and San Francisco (#2) really doing more, or are they just talking louder about their green achievements? Perhaps San Jose needs an ‘artist in residence at its recycling facilities’ like Mayor Newsom has in San Francisco?

In this Fresh Green Minute highlight, the mayor outlines why a little clean tech startup from, say Kansas, should relocate to San Jose.


Rob Bernard, Microsoft’s Green Czar: Why is Company “Light” Green?

Rob Bernard, Microsoft’s Green Czar: Why is Company “Light” Green?

By Alison van Diggelen, host of Fresh DialoguesRob Bernard, Microsoft's Green Czar on Fresh Dialogues

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I met with Rob Bernard, Microsoft’s Chief Environmental Strategist, at – appropriately enough – Green’s Restaurant in San Francisco to discuss the company’s green strategy and why it was late to embrace its green credentials.

What motivated Microsoft to appoint a Green Czar?

Why isn’t Microsoft more prominently green?

“This is not a competition issue for us. This is about literally lightening up the entire ecosystem of the IT industry; and we see it as a collective approach as opposed to an individual company, A or B.” Rob Bernard


Matt Smith: Greenbox Energy Savers

Matt Smith: Greenbox Energy Savers

By Alison van Diggelen, host of Fresh DialoguesMatt Smith on Fresh Dialogues

Download or listen to this lively Fresh Dialogues interview


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Matthew Smith of Greenbox, a maker of web-based energy management systems for homes, sat down with me at the company’s San Bruno based headquarters to discuss how his team plans to change our energy consumption habits, save us money and save the planet. By providing an “energy dashboard” for homes, he claims the company offers consumers the potential to reduce electricity bills by 10-15% by taking small, easy steps. (more…)

Jack Welch: Why companies must go green

Jack Welch: Why companies must go green

By Alison van Diggelen, host of Fresh DialoguesJack Welch on Fresh Dialogues

Download or listen to this lively Fresh Dialogues interview


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New on Fresh Dialogues: Fresh Green Minute– one minute bytes of green inspiration

First up: Legendary business leader of General Electric, Jack Welch


Guy Kawasaki on evangelism and green revolutionaries

Guy Kawasaki on evangelism and green revolutionaries

By Alison van Diggelen, host of Fresh Dialogues

Download or listen to this lively Fresh Dialogues interview


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I met with Guy Kawasaki at his Garage Technology Partners office in Palo Alto earlier this month to explore his role as a Macintosh evangelist and how he’s since become a successful entrepreneur and marketing guru.  What a fun personality: Guy laughs easily and rarely stops smiling!

Guy gives some insights into what has made the iPhone so successful. ( Apple just announced second quarter revenues are up 9%  thanks to strong sales of iPhones and iPods) We also discuss the green revolution, religion, death magnets and:

Why he disputes that he’s a legend…yet

Why being a legend should NOT be your goal in life

His advice to young entrepreneurs and what he learned from Virgin founder Richard Branson

An invaluable life lesson his father taught him

What turning 50 meant to Guy

His online presence  –  Twitter and Tweetgate controversy

The difference between an evangelist and a sales/marketing exec

Working with Steve Jobs and what he learned from him

Why Guy thinks Steve Wozniak is a legend and why he recommends the book,  IWoz

Advice for Green Revolutionaries from his book,  Rules for Revolutionaries

Listen to Fresh Dialogues with Guy Kawasaki

The interview was recorded at Garage Technology Partners in Palo Alto on April 8th, 2009

Guy Kawasaki and Alison van Diggelen, Fresh DialoguesGuy’s green tip: he recently installed low-flow shower heads in his home and bought the Samsung front loading  clothes washer (Model WM2487HWM).

Result: he’s halved his monthly water usage. Impressive stuff.

In part two of our interview (coming soon), Guy gives his take on the Amazon Kindle, the future of venture capitalism and explains why he can never drive a Prius. Hint: it’s something to do with their…um… aesthetics.  He revealed his strong views before he knew I was a Prius driver and proud of it…makes for some interesting listening!


Click here for the green interview transcript.

Click here for Guy Kawasaki on Green Publishing and Kindle

Click here for Guy Kawasaki on Why Prius are Ugly